Queen of Cups - 'Queen of Hearts' for love and creativity through meditation


The Tarot deck is comprised of two Arcana's, the Major  Arcana with 22 cards with the Queen Card at Number3 position, also called the 'Empress card'. This is however not the only Queen in the Tarot deck. There are four more Queens in the Minor Arcana cards, among the 56 cards of which sixteen are called court cards. four each- Page, Knight, Queen and King among each suite namely Wands, Cups, Pentacles and Swords. The four queens are-

The Queen of Wands
The Queen of Swords
The Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Cups

Each Queen in the Minor Arcana has a unique preposition and position, besides the queen's posture, attire, throne and embellishments  can be related to the history and culture of the era these cards took shape, especially around the period of renaissance. In this article we are going to focus our energies on the QUEEN OF CUPS.

Cups as a representative of Water element

Just like Fire represents the force of spirit within us, water represents the force of love. Water acts as a catalyst that allows the soul to receive the force of love. Water is not a passive energy but a force which can douse the fire. In simple terms, fire represents what we do while water represents what we are, which impacts the former.

Cups represent harmony, joy and peace and signify the spirit of love. It is both, the love we give to others and the love we receive from others, as the way to all the happy moments in life. 

Cups in combination with Wands, Swords and Pentacles. 

Wands give energy to the Cups
Swords provide direction to the Cups
Pentacles bring the fantasies to the Cups

Combination of the cards along with the Cup cards will change the way we will look at the spread when the querent comes out with questions related to love, partner, marriage or separation.

Queen of Cups in Tarot cards is 'Queen of Hearts' in the Playing cards deck.

The queen of cups is the most quiet and peaceful version of all the queens in the Tarot deck. She shows the possibility of blending imagination with action. Her throne is decorated with mermaids, while she sits on land with water flowing over her feet and merging with her dress which signifies the unity of self with emotion and imagination. Notice the cup she holds in her hand. It is rather the most elaborate embedded with precious stones. 

The goals of the Queen of Cups are very personal in nature. While the King of cups seeks attention of the society, the Queen of cups is more into her family, her husband and kids. For the Queen of Cups, her world is her family and her home is her kingdom. She is a great wife and a loving mother, always worried for their wellbeing. 

Queen of Cups is happy in splurging all her imagination and creativity in decorating her house, being the vital source. She alters a house from just a habitat of concrete walls and roof to what we call a home. She is warm hearted, artistic and a great homemaker. This queen is not a career woman. She can be a great friend and lover.

The Queen of cups is not an independent lady, she needs to be taken care of by her family, just as she takes care of her family. The Queen of Cups is materialistic in nature. She likes to maintain a great lifestyle and is very choosy when it comes to brands.

Reversed Queen of Cups

A reversed Queen of Cups breaks the unity of vision. She will be someone who is ambitions, powerful and can be dangerous. She is one person may not be trustworthy, with her commitment to values being lost to her ambition to succeed. She is always in lookout for transferring her responsibilities on to someone else's shoulder. 

Meditating the Queen of Cups can improve family bonding, harmony and add romance element in life

Cups are a representative of the Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Meditating the Queen of Cups is especially beneficial, but not limited to these signs. 

The three water signs also represent North direction. Meditating the Queen of Cups can ideally be done facing the North direction. 

Imagine a Queen, sitting on a throne decorated with mermaids, her feet under water while she carries a cup in her hand. Her face looks peaceful and motherly. She wears a silken tunic which is merging with the flowing water below.

Benefits of Meditation
Meditating on the queen of cups, can bring a sense of bonding in the family. 
It can even bring the inner peace and harmony.
It can enhance the creativity of the person 
It can help to add romance to life.

North is also the direction of wealth, an Elysium of the gods. Positive energy of the Mother Queen flows from this direction which can also help to enhance wealth and career. A kind mother is always full of blessing for her children.

Meditating this card will help those in fields of creativity, especially interior design, crockery and fabric profession, especially silk and embroidery along with precious stones.

The Queen of cups is not just another card in the deck, but a card which can provide a sense of harmony for multiple reasons. Last but not the least, is also a representative of patience, the most important aspect of a mother.


