Romance Feng Shui- How can Feng Shui Help in Attracting Success in Love and Relationships


The current pandemic situation has left many young and old lonely or in desire of a relationship. Constantly locked in our houses during the lockdowns, the only socializing which is left is on the digital platform. We are yearning to meet real people, get into new relationships, to come out of mundanity as soon as the restrictions are being eased.

Feng Shui and Kanso ( the Japanese equivalent of Feng Shui) can be of help here, but let us first identify what exactly we are looking out for when it comes to Love, Romance and finding new relationships, with our without commitments.

How to Attract Love Success

The ancient philosophy from the Orient focused on love and romance can help you understand what you want love actually means to you. It can help you create the harmony around you, it can even help you towards self understanding, your desires, requirements and values you are looking for in a relationship.

If you are seeking love, it is imperative to make some self assessments.

1.Were you in a relationship and have been split up?

Feng Shui Solution- In this situation, you first need to find inner peace and harmony before you try to get into a new relationship.

Hang a Rose Quartz Crystal preferably in the South East corner window or just place it at a place where natural light will refract its qualities of love and peace into the room.

                                                           Rose quartz crystals from

Is is fear of Commitment which is keeping you on the hooks?

It the feeling of getting rejected worrying you. A sense of fear that your real self may not be as attractive, then it is important to gain self-confidence and spread a positive attitude around you.

Feng Shui Solution- Keep White Quartz crystals in the South East corner of your bedroom

                                            White Quartz Crystal from

Do you feel that you are not able to attract people to you?

Feng Shui Solution- Place a Red bowl in the South corner of the home. You can also place a prism or a Wine Goblet as a substitute.

                                               Red Glass bowl from

Do you find it tough to maintain a relationship?

Feng Shui Help- The North West corner of your house has the energy to cure this for you.
Use a wooden bowl in the NW corner and place 4 pine cones in it. You can also use pine nuts which are easily available in the market.
                                                       Available at

Do you make error in choosing your partner later to realize you picked a wrong one?

The North corner/area of your home can have a cure to this. Hang a Sodalite pendulum in the window or simply keep it on the window sill.

                                                                      Sodalite crystal

Do you feel that no one you have ever met is good enough for you?

The East corner of your house can come to your help. If you feel that anyone you meet does not come up to your expectations and thus worthy to be dumped, remember you may be doing a big harm to yourself, as compatibility is the name of the game. 

Place a Bonsai Plant in the East area of your home. This can induce a feeling of tolerance and understanding others point of view in order to make a good choice.


Do you get confused yourself on the kind of partner you are looking for?

Ask yourself if you know what kind of person you are actually seeking for? Not sure, or not knowing at all could be an issue which never propped your mind. 

Place a silver ring and a silver candle over a golden cloth or paper, in a central or important place of your home. It could be your show case in the living room. This can help you in opening up your mind while seeking for a compatible match.                                       
            Silver candles   Silver Ring

Do you find it difficult to forget your past?

A broken or sour relationship is not letting you move ahead in life.

Feng Shui Solution- Take a white candle and one black candle. Place them side by side near a window in the West side of your room. It is better to place a mirror behind the candles. Light both. The black candle takes away the negativity while the white candle spreads positivity and clarity of mind to move ahead in life. You can repeat this process until you begin to see results.

                                                             Black and White candles

Hope these simple solutions can come handy in finding a new, healthy and happy relationship in your life.
