Dreamcatcher- Can It Make Your Dreams Come True? Try It Out Yourself!


Sure! you have heard the phrase, 'Making dream come true'. We all perhaps want to make the good dreams come true and bad ones shunned. Let the mystical Spider woman from Native American folklore, help you fill your life by catching positive thoughts of success, good health, romance and courage while catching and disposing off the negative ones with Dream Catcher.

For most of us perhaps spiders are dreaded creatures, insects to be getting rid of at the first sight. Traditional movies would use cobwebs to create an aura of mystery and intrigue, however there lives a tradition among the 'Ojibwe' tribe of Native Americans which believed quite otherwise. Old  legend says that a 'mystical Spider Woman' protects the world of their tribe, especially the young ones and new born.

But why is it called a 'Dream Catcher?'

Native Americans  from Ojibwe tribe believed that night air was filled with dreams, both good and bad. The good dreams pass through the treads down to the feathers of the Dream Catcher to the sleeper, while the bad dreams are caught in the web as it would not let them pass by. Next day as the sunlight falls on the Dream Catcher, the bad dreams are destroyed.

How to use the Dream Catcher

This is simple, hang it close to your bed near the window where it is exposed to Sunlight as early as it reaches your room, After all we have to clean the bad dreams each day with the help of sunlight. You can also hang it close to kids beds or cradles.

Dream of your success, health, romance and let the Dream Catcher catch them for you.
