NORDIC Wisdom-Christmas tree with Magical properties


Pine tree for fertility, health and prosperity

         Merry Christmas

This Christmas, bring home or gift a tree with special properties - love, prosperity, health and protection through NORDIC Wisdom.

It is worth saving our mother nature and get her divine blessings which can bring betterment and prosperity in life. In ancient times, a person was considered rich if he had a great character, which involved taking care of his elder parents, loving his wife and children and being of social service to the nature and environment for the good of the society. 

Times have changed today, a person is considered rich and desirable if he boasts of a big bank balance, lives in a villa and has expensive cars, goes for expensive holidays etc. Character has taken a backseat over material wealth, but can any amount of wealth buy happiness in this world. While I keep referring to online stores, I am yet to find a single online or offline store where Happiness is available for sale.

This Christmas, let us try to gain prosperity in life through introducing mother nature in our daily culture. Bring home these tree in real or artificial to begin with, which can affect various aspects of life.

APPLE Tree : Fertility and Love

ASH and ASPEN Tree : Protection

BIRCH: Protection, fertility, new beginnings

CEDAR: Prosperity

ELDER: Healing, protection, prosperity

ELM: Protection

JUNIPER: Protection


Merry Christmas
